“Provide renewable energy”
Mission: To Implement viable commercial ventures of Bioenergy Power Generation using paddy husk to enhance the electrical power volume of the National Grid, integrated with neediest rural paddy farmers in the eastern region while upgrading their living standards.

With the forecasted crisis in the power & energy sector globally and with more eco-friendly solutions currently sought, Bio Energy Solutions (Private) Limited was formed to contribute towards a greener environment and as an additional option to hydro power generation where fossil fuel, is the main source of power generation in Sri Lanka.
Paddy Husks the byproduct of Rice which represents approximately 25,000,000 GJ of raw energy content is however not currently harnessed for any useful purpose on a commercial scale. With the advancement of biomass energy technologies, realistically, a good percentage of this energy content could be harvested. In keeping with the above theme, the concept, design, implementation and operation of a 2.5 MW power plant was constructed in the eastern coastal region and the power so generated is supplied to the national grid
BES provides direct employment for over 100 no of locals and 150 individuals indirectly from the vicinity of Ninthavur and is helping 120 no of Rice mills to dispose the paddy husks derived in the process of rice milling in an economically beneficial manner include
The project design and consultancy were provided by three main parties, as follows:
Civil Structural design / consultancy - our own Hairu Engineering Consultancy (Private) Limited
Electro-mechanical designs / consultancy - IMIV Engineering (Private) Limited, Chennai, India
Electrical consultancy - Dr. Asanka Rodrigo, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
We are in the threshold of generating 2.5 MW of electric power using paddy husk as fuel. Our corporate objective is to produce 5 MW of carbon neutral energy by the end of 2015 with the extensive use of imported steam turbines and boiler based technological equipment which endorses the 10% energy production through renewable resources as estimated in the National Policy of Sri Lanka. Approved and acknowledged by the BOI Sri Lanka this methodology promoted by BES is timely and effective and most importantly appreciated by many professionals. Another noteworthy feature is the employment generating capacity that this project promises at all stages.
Last but not the least, this undertaking will also offer multiple benefits to all stakeholders and additionally yield high returns on investment. Funded by Sheik Ali Abdulla A. R. Al Suwaidi, a prominent global investor from Qatar, the stable and uninterrupted growth of this organization is assured with undoubted excellence in the field. In this regard the company is linked with renowned international companies such as Veesons Energy Systems and Triveni Turbine Ltd